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FootCheck Boot Bath Dip Cleaner
Cleaning Boot Wash Pre-Disinfection. Help prevent spread of disease like Foot and Mouth, H5N1 Bird flu.
Part Number: 037078
FootCheck Boot Bath Dip Cleaner
The Footcheck has been designed to improve the accuracy of dispensing concentrated disinfectants, achieving the correct dilution every time and providing an audit trail for assurance schemes.
Complies with DEFRA Guidance.
Disinfection is only effective after thorough cleaning. Remove excess soil and matter before dipping footwear. Replace contents of the Footcheck bath at lease once a week; more frequently if the disinfectant becomes heavily soiled or inactivated.
Example Dilution Rates:
Intercid – concentration rate = 1% – effective against bateria, viruses and fungi.
Interkokask – concentration rate = 2% – effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi, mites and their eggs, protozoa and mycobacteria (coccidial oocysts at 4% concentration)
- Extremely simple to use.
- Raises the standard of footwear disinfection by ensuring the correct concentration is used.
- Enhances best practice in bio-security, aids compliance and helps audit disinfection use.
- Delivers value for money by optimising concentrated disinfectant use and cutting waste.
- Hard wearing and durable in use, while simple to clean.
- Convenient, portable and easy to handle.
Part Number: 037078
This product can be found in:
Biosecurity Mats Dips & Stations - HGV - Tractor
Disinfectants - Surface Cleaners and Foggers
Aspli Value Products
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