Biosecurity Mats Dips & Stations - HGV - Tractor

Our range of Biosecurity mats, disinfection pools - vehicle baths - cleaning stations, boot dips, sprayers and foaming disinfectant designed to protect farms, dairies and other property from the entry and spread of pests and diseases such as Avian Flu H5N1, African Swine Fever etc. Ideal for the set up of cleaning and disinfection stations - biosecure barriers during outbreaks of notifiable diseases such as foot and mouth, avian - bird flu, swine flu etc. Use in conjunction with DEFRA approved disinfectants. We can supply complete cleaning and disinfection systems such as foaming gates/ archways and underbody washes.

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Products 1 to 19 of 19

Personnel Biosecurity Disinfectant Mat
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FootCheck Boot Bath Dip Cleaner
Biosecurity Vehicle Disinfection Pool
Vehicle Disinfectant Bath 9m
Vehicle Decontamination Bath 14m
Telescopic Lance - Two Sizes
Disposable Over Boot c/w PVC Sole - Pack 10