
Tyvek. The leading brand in diposable overalls and clothing from DuPont.

DuPont, Tyvek® is a unique and versatile material that is tough, yet extremely light and soft. It is permeable to both air and water vapour, yet repels water-based liquids and aerosols. It acts as an excellent barrier against fine particles and fibres. It is ultra-low-linting and also antistatically treated.

Tyvek® is a unique nonwoven fabric that comes with inherent protection that’s engineered right in. There are no films, and no laminates that can abrade or wear away over time – Tyvek® is maintaining wearer protection during use. Designed for an optimal balance of protection, durability and comfort, Tyvek®protective apparel is ideal for a wide range of jobs. From spray painting to handling lead or asbestos abatement, their ergonomic design helps keep workers safe and effective when the going gets rough. It is also devoid of fillers or additives and is silicon-free.

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Products 1 to 6 of 6

Tyvek Protective Surgeons Gown
Tyvek Classic Xpert CHF5 Disposable Coverall
Tyvek Disposable White Over Boot - Pack 10
Tyvek Disposable Apron - Pack of 25