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Worker Emergency ID Tag - Helmet mounted
Worker Emergency ID Tag - Self Adhesive for Helmet Mounting
Part Number: 021215
Worker Emergency ID Tag by Vital ID
This worker ID tag securely stores their critical medical and potentially life saving ID information for use in the event of a serious accident or medical emergency. As a number of sites now ban mobile phones these tags are an essential requirement for worker safety.
- Easily fitted to the exterior of each workers hard hat. Approved for use on our range of JSP safety helmets
- Versatile - can also be fitted to clothing and other work equipment such as a harness, reflective vest etc.
- Text Fields for: Name, Emergency Contact x 2, Company Name, Medical Info such as rare blood groups, allergies etc. and General info.
- Very durable
- 100% waterproof
- Reflective: Features 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material
- Secure - Keeping personal information safe
- Low cost safety solution
- This worker safety product is a perfect solution to assist in the essential work of pro-active health & safety officers in all helmet wearing industries such as construction, oil & gas, mining, heavy industry, railways and utilities.
Part Number: 021215
This product can be found in:
Head Protection
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